Sermon Player

Thursday, April 26, 2007


No one know sin-dirt-shame-unworthiness-unloved, more than I do. I would like to share with you something that helped me. Now don't be shocked but even with all of my dirt and all of your dirt God or who I like to call Dad, He still LIKES ME!!

This is a very important reality. One of the greatest longings is the assurance that we are enjoyed by God even in our weakness. If that is the case than our greatest fear is that God will reject us. If that fear is lodged in the core of who we are, than it will have a colossal effect on how we look at ourselves - whether we live in fear or faith, and whether we run to God or from God.

This fear that we will fail in our marriages, or at our business, at being a good parent or being a good friend can be paralyzing. It grips our throats when it attacks, and it puts us in isolation. There is a name for it. It is called SHAME, and it is one of the most paralyzing realities in our lives as we try to live for Jesus.

SHAME is the polar opposite of the assurance that God really likes us. Instead of running to Him, we'll run from Him. But if we believe God really likes us (even in our weakness) than we are going to feel likeable. With this change of paradigm we run to God instead of running from God, appropriating the power and feeling the encouragement we need to live ever more VICTORIOUS LIVES.

God, help me to realize that you like me even though I've sinned and that you want me to run to you with all my sin, shame, and dirt. Amen!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the reminder...