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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

40 Days of Prayer and Fasting

40 Days of Prayer and Fasting

The leadership of CCF is calling this community to 40 days of prayer and fasting.

June 17th-July 27th

We are asking each willing participant to fast at least one meal a day and pray over four specific areas...

1. New level of purity and separation in our lives
2. Open Heavens in our church and community
3. Fresh anointing on CCF, Cover the Earth, and all the ministries of this movement

Also every 10 days we will be focusing on a one of the four prayer focus points.

Please join us in this fast in faith that God will do something fresh in our midst!

Friday, June 1, 2007

Kingdom Life

KINGDOM LIFE by Julie Kladakis

He brought my attention to some words that we use regularly that draw a very strong reality to kingdom life.

First He had me look up some words that are basic everyday words, but gave me a newer perspective on their meaning in relation to His children.

Make: to bring into existence by shaping material, combining parts. To appoint.
Creature: Subject to the will of another.
Breath: To give utterance to; to whisper; to infuse; to inject
Inject: To force into a cavity or tissue
Infuse: To introduce as by pouring, to pour in; to inspire
Planted: to establish or set up as in a colony
Colony: A group of people who leave their native country to form a new land subject to the rulership of the parent land.
Dominion: the power or the right of governing authority
Ambassadors: a diplomatic agent of the highest rank sent by one sovereign. An authorized representative. Temporary special service.
Son: a male child or person in relation to his parents. One adopted as one in a legal position related as if by ties of sonship.

So all of the words are in the Bible regarding us, except , infuse, inject or colony. But these are in relation to the words by definition. God made us in their image, forming us, breathing into us, or injecting or pouring into us. He planted the Garden of Eden, which plant means to colonize. So He brought a colony of the Kingdom to earth for us to be ambassadors to, or to govern. Obviously sin ended that little stint of having dominion because we carried a "disease" that required our "quarantine" Then finally the cure came. Doctors today think that they came up with cleansing the blood from diseased cancerous cells, by transfusing the blood or injecting some other substance into it, but Christ performed the 1st transfusion that cleansed us, restored us and brought us out of quarantine so we as a colony could once again be in line with the parent land. So what we really need to grasp is that we are ambassadors in a foreign land with the governing power to go forward and complete any mission that the King proclaims. He's says he restored us from sickness, then why do we still live as foreigners who's king can not make such proclamations of healing as ours does. We are under our Kings jurisdiction. Why do we live anxiously when our King proclaims peace. Why live in bondage when He says He has brought us to a free land. Kingsmen spoke boldly of the Kings laws and ways. When they were sent out to proclaim the words of the king they went shouting them in the streets. Yet our king does more that just call us to be parrots of the things that He has proclaimed. He's called us to live by His Words and walk in His promises and has given us authority to act in His name, as ambassadors, on behalf of each other and of the foreigners. We have got to get a kingdom understanding as to who we really are through Christ the King. We are son's and daughters.We hold a legal position as if related by sonship. We have been called ambassadors so we have the right to govern with the authority of the King. We are of the highest rank under the king. He has restored the colony to live as an extension of the Kingdom. Under the same laws and beliefs. Christ believed He could heal the sick because of His relation to the Father, and that through Him, the proclamation of the King, we could do the same things that he did and even more because He had to go to be with the Father, because of the sonship He formed for us through the adoption signed in blood, making it a perfectly legal claim.

We must gain a Kingdom faith and mentality. We can not colonize the earth if we're afraid to live as if in the parent land. When this church was begun it was referred to as a church plant. Or a colony. We have the legal right to proclaim the ways of the King. When people walk through our doors, claiming to be ill, we as a congregation should not depend on the Pastor to call for a healing alter call. We should not just show empathy and walk on. We should stop right there and send out a proclamation of the Lord to be healed, and recognize it as the Kings Word, because we might live in a foreign land of another ruler, but we reside in the colony of the King where His Word is the Rule within the colony, and this should go for all needs. And it shouldn't stop with the needs only but we should bring into the colony the praise of the King as if we were in our Parent Land, because He rules and reigns. Because He loves us so much. Because the reality of His Kingdom is right before us. Our King has already told us clearly what His kingdom stands for. We need to clearly and boldly speak with the authority given to us by the King.

Again I know this isn't new news, but maybe God just thinks we need to hear it again. I pray that He will prepare our hearts to have an even greater understanding. The prince of another world rules in the earth for now, but God has planted His Colonies, to proclaim a new government in this land. To carry the ways of the Parent Land, to here. To invite the foreigners to become natives of the Parent Land. Heaven is a place of supernatural, therefore the colony must become a thriving land where the supernatural ways of the Father become a way of life.